Homeopathic consultations

Female Problems

    Due to the biological characteristics, the female population can suffer from a big chunk of diseases. Some of them can be related to periods, some can be related to pregnancy and others can be related to breasts. These diseases are becoming more commoner with time. The most common of the diseases is the problem related to

Menstruation(Periods) -A female May have irregular periods, delayed periods, no periods at all, or abnormally high bleeding during the cycle or severe pain for that matter.

Leucorrhoea(White Discharge) -A female can have white discharge from the vagina which can be sticky or foul smelling and may be due to infection or as an early sign of other diseases.

PCOD - Nowadays the prevalence of PCOD is becoming very common. It can occur due to the genetic makeup of the body or due to the typical lifestyle and stress. It leads to acne, irregular periods, mood swings, weight imbalance, etc.

Uterine Fibroids - A female May have uterine fibroids which are non-cancerous masses in the uterus and may cause heavy bleeding and it generally occurs in the younger population.

Lump or Breast Tumor(Breast Cancer) - Female May present with a lump in the breast which may be cancerous or not. And it’s very important to detect and treat this lump as it may spread to other breasts and also to other parts of the body.

Abortions(Miscarage) - A female May face recurrent miscarriages or there may be other pregnancy-related issues like improper growth of the baby, diabetes, and hypertension which arise during pregnancy, anemia, infections, etc. Many of these problems can be linked to hormonal imbalances.

   If we talk about allopathy, many of these diseases are treated using hormonal medications which can have serious side effects and complications- including weight imbalance, cancer, cardiac risks, hypertension
etc. Hence, a milder and more gentle way of treatment is required and here homeopathy plays an excellent role.

   It minimizes these side effects and treats them with the best efficiency so that the patient gets permanent results. We manage and combine the medications so that maximum benefit is extracted with minimum dosage and side effects.